At yesterday evening's Cabinet meeting, which was streamed live on YouTube, Conservative Cabinet member, Cllr Alan Marshall, condemned the disgraceful behaviour of Labour Cllr Nick Wallis over the Skerningham Development
"Cllr. Wallis, your duplicity in this matter is staggering!!
Can I remind members, and members of the public watching, that until May 2019 Cllr Wallis was the Cabinet Member with the portfolio for Transport, which includes the road infrastructure.
In that role I can find no record of him ever proposing to remove any roads from future consideration as potential access routes to the proposed Skerningham development, as he put forward in his Motion.
Nor can I find any record of him ever objecting to the 6 potential access routes to the proposed Skerningham development which were shown in the previous iteration of the draft Local Plan drawn up under the Labour administration, including the route on the eastern edge of Springfield Park, which this administration removed.
You claim that you have become involved in this matter Cllr. Wallis, due to the worry and stress this issue is having on residents of the roads in question.
Well, Cllr Wallis, if you care so much about these residents you would have acted on their behalf when you were in a position of authority and influence within the Cabinet, but you failed to do so.
The fact is Cllr Wallis you don’t care less about the residents of Winfield, if you did you would have acted when you had the opportunity to do so.
What you do care about is using residents, and their genuine concerns regarding the potential increase in traffic and where it is routed, as pawns in your political machinations to attract their votes, no more, no less.
By preying on residents’ concerns for your own political ends demonstrates to me the depths to which you will sink to get back control of this Council.
Your actions in this matter are a disgrace Cllr. Wallis."